姓名 | 何晓松 | ![]() |
职称 | 特任研究员 | |
电话 | (+86) 0551-63607882 | |
邮箱 | hexs@ustc.edu.cn | |
所属单位 | 心理学系 | |
主要专业方向 | 认知心理学,神经影像学,网络神经科学 |
· Dale Zhou, Yoona Kang, Danielle Cosme, Mia Jovanova, Xiaosong He, Arun Mahadevan, Jeesung Ahn, Ovidia Stanoi, Julia K. Brynildsen, Nicole Cooper, Eli J. Cornblath, Linden Parkes, Peter J. Mucha, Kevin N. Ochsner, David M. Lydon-Staley, Emily B. Falk, Dani S. Bassett. (2023)Mindful attention promotes control of brain network dynamics for self-regulation and discontinues the past from the present. PNAS, 120(2):e2201074119
· Lorenzo Caciagli, Casey Paquola, Xiaosong He, Christian Vollmar, Maria Centeno, Britta Wandschneider, Urs Braun, Karin Trimmel, Sjoerd B. Vos, Meneka K. Sidhu, Pamela J. Thompson, Sallie Baxendale, Gavin P. Winston, John S. Duncan, Danielle S. Bassett, Matthias J. Koepp, Boris C. Bernhardt. (2023) Disorganization of language and working memory systems in frontal versus temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, 146(3):935-953.
· Xiaosong He*, Lorenzo Caciagli, Linden Parkes, Jennifer Stiso, Teresa M Karrer, Jason Z Kim, Zhixin Lu, Tommaso Menara, Fabio Pasqualetti, Michael R Sperling, Joseph I Tracy, Dani S Bassett*. (2022) Uncovering the biological basis of control energy: Structural and metabolic correlates of energy inefficiency in temporal lobe epilepsy. Science Advances, 8(45):eabn2293
· Janina Wilmskoetter, Xiaosong He, Lorenzo Caciagli, Jens Jensen, Barbara Marebwa, Kathryn Davis, Julius Fridriksson, Alexandra Basilakos, Lorelei Johnson, Chris Rorden, Danielle Bassett, and Leonardo Bonilha. (2022) Language recovery after brain injury: a structural network control theory study. The Journal of Neuroscience, 42(4):657-669
· Eli J Cornblath, Arun S Mahadevan, Xiaosong He, Kosha Ruparel, David M Lydon-Staley, Tyler M Moore, Ruben C Gur, Elaine H Zackai, Beverly Emanuel, Donna M McDonald-McGinn, Daniel H Wolf, Theodore D Satterthwaite, David R Roalf, Raquel E Gur, Danielle S Bassett. (2022) Altered functional brain dynamics in chromosome 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome during facial affect processing. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(2):1158-1166
· Matthew Cieslak, Philip A Cook, Xiaosong He, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Thijs Dhollander, Azeez Adebimpe, Geoffrey K Aguirre, Danielle S Bassett, Richard F Betzel, Josiane Bourque, Laura Cabral, Christos Davatzikos, John Detre, Eric Earl, Mark A Elliott, Shreyas Fadnavis, Damien A Fair, Will Foran, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Barry Giesbrecht, Reuben C Gur, Raquel E Gur, Max Kelz, Anisha Keshavan, Bart S Larsen, Beatriz Luna, Allyson P Mackey, Michael Milham, Desmond J Oathes, Anders Perrone, Adam R Pines, David R Roalf, Adam Richie-Halford, Ariel Rokem, Valerie Sydnor, Tinashe M Tapera, Ursula A Tooley, Jean M Vettel, Jason Yeatman, Scott T Grafton, Theodore D Satterthwaite. (2021) QSIPrep: An integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI. Nature Methods, 18:775–778.
· Dongyan Wu, Liyuan Yang, Gaolang Gong, Yumin Zheng, Chaoling Jin, Lei Qi, Yanran Li, Di Wu, Zaixu Cui*, Xiaosong He*, Liankun Ren*. (2021) Characterizing the hyper- and hypometabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy using multivariate machine learning. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 99(11):3035-3046.
· Xiaosong He, Ganne Chaitanya, Burcu Asma, Danielle S. Bassett, Joseph I. Tracy, Michael R. Sperling. (2020) Disrupted basal ganglia—thalamocortical loops in focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. Brain 143(1):175-190. # Cover Article
· Lorenzo Caciagli, Luke Allen, Xiaosong He, Karin Trimmel, Sjoerd B. Vos, Maria Centeno, Marian Galovic, Meneka K. Sidhu, Pamela J. Thompson, Danielle S. Bassett, Gavin P. Winston, John S. Duncan, Matthias J. Koepp, Michael R. Sperling. (2020) Thalamus and focal to bilateral seizures: a multi-scale cognitive imaging study. Neurology 95(17):e2427-e2441.
· Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Xiaosong He, David M. Lydon-Staley, Simone Kuhn, Wlodzislaw Duch, Danielle S. Bassett. (2020) Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks during working memory training. Nature Communications, 11(1):2435.
· Zaixu Cui, Jennifer Stiso, Graham Baum, Jason Kim, David Roalf, Richard Betzel, Shi Gu, Zhixin Lu, Cedric Xia,Xiaosong He, Rastko Ciric, Desmond Oathes, Tyler Moore, Russell Shinohara, Kosha Ruparel, Christos Davatzikos, Fabio Pasqualetti, Raquel Gur, Ruben Gur, Danielle Bassett. (2020) Optimization of Energy State Transition Trajectory Supports the Development of Executive Function During Youth. eLife, 9:e53060.
· Xiaosong He, Danielle S. Bassett, Ganne Chaitanya, Michael R. Sperling, Lauren Kozlowski, Joseph I. Tracy. (2018)Disrupted dynamic network reconfiguration of the language system in temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain 141(5):1375-1389.
· Xiaosong He, Gaelle E. Doucet, Dorian Pustina, Michael R. Sperling, Ashwini Sharan, Joseph I. Tracy. (2017) Presurgical thalamic “hubness” predicts surgical outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 88(24):2285-2293. * F1000 recommended
· Ying Wang, Ning Ma, Xiaosong He, Nan Li, Zhengde Wei, Lizhang Yang, Rujing Zha, Long Han, Xiaoming Li, Daren Zhang, Ying Liu, Xiaochu Zhang. (2017) Neural substrates of updating the prediction through prediction error during decision making. NeuroImage 157:1-12.
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