








linzc@ustc.edu.cn or zhichenglin@gmail.com







林志成,心理学博士(认知与脑科学方向),现任中国科学技术大学心理学系特任研究员及博士生导师,建立“人工智能心理学”(AI Psychology)实验室。同时自2024年起担任中科院一区Top期刊《Psychological Science》和《Behavior Research Methods》的副主编,是首位获此殊荣的大中华地区学者。此外,他曾是《Journal of Experimental Psychology: General》的编委(大陆首位)、Psychonomic Society的会士,并荣获意识科学研究学会(ASSC)威廉詹姆斯奖和心理科学协会(APS)的新星奖(Rising Star Award)等重要国际奖项。


于2007年在北京大学心理学系获得本科学位(指导教授:韩世辉),2012年在明尼苏达大学完成博士学位(指导教授:何生、Dan Kersten)。曾在华盛顿大学(合作教授:Scott O. Murray)和俄亥俄州立大学(合作教授:吕忠林、Barbara Anne Dosher)进行博士后研究。2019年至2023年间,在香港中文大学(深圳)担任PI和博导(助理教授和副研究员)。


研究主要聚焦于核心认知过程(特别是注意和意识)的运作机制,并探索这些机制在心理健康等领域的应用。在此过程中,研究科学研究本身(元科学/科学学),并积极引入新兴的人工智能技术(尤其是大型语言模型),开发新工具与方法(如PsyCalibrator),以优化相关政策、研究实践,并推动构建一个更开放、可重复、具有广泛推广性的研究生态系统。作为第一或通讯作者,在包括《Nature Biomedical Engineering》、《Nature Human Behaviour》、《Psychological Bulletin》、《Trends in Cognitive Sciences》、《American Psychologist》、《Perspectives on Psychological Science》、《Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science》、《Psychological Science》、《Journal of Experimental Psychology: General》等心理学顶级期刊上发表了多篇文章。


1.  Lin, Z. (2024). Beyond principlism: Practical strategies for ethical AI use in research practices. AI and Ethics. Advance online publication.[Full text]

2.  Lin, Z. (2024). Modernizing authorship criteria and transparency practices to facilitate open and equitable team science. Accountability in Research. Advance online publication. [Full text]

3.  Lin, Z. (2024). Techniques for supercharging academic writing with generative AI. Nature Biomedical Engineering. Advance online publication. [Full text]

4.  Lin, Z. (2024). Progress and challenges in the symbiosis of AI with science and medicine. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 54: e14222. [Full text]

5.  Lin, Z. (2024). How to write effective prompts for large language models. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 611–615.[Full text] ISI高被引论文

6.  Lin, Z. (2024). Towards an AI policy framework in scholarly publishing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 28(2), 85–88. [Full text]

7.  Lin, Z.#, & Lu, S. (2024). Exponential authorship inflation in neuroscience and psychology from the 1950s to the 2020s. American Psychologist. Advance online publication.[Full text] [Data & code]

8.  Lin, Z.#, Xiao, F., & Cheng, W. (2024). Eye exercises for myopia prevention and control: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials. Eye, 38, 473–480. [Full text] [Data & code]

9.  Hu, C.#, Lin, Z., Zhang, N., & Ji, L.-J. (2024). AI-empowered imagery writing: Integrating AI-generated imagery into digital mental health service. Frontiers in Psychiatry. [Full text]

10.  Haeffel, G.#, Lin, Z., Adetula, A., Vargas, I., Doom, J.R., Moriguchi, Y., Bridges, A.J., & Cobb, W.R. (2024). Psychology needs more diversity at the level of Editor-in-Chief. Communications Psychology, 2(12). [Full text]

11.  Calderon, S., Giolla, E.M., …, Lin, Z., …, Ask, K., & Luke, T.J. (in principle acceptance). Effects of psychological distance on mental abstraction: A registered report of four tests of construal level theory. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science [Full text]

12.  Wang, D., Chan, K.Q., …, Lin, Z., …, Morys-Carter, W., & Hagger, M.S. (in principle acceptance). Ironic effects of thought suppression: A multi-lab registered report. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science [Full text]

13.  Lin, Z. (2023). Why and how to embrace AI such as ChatGPT in your academic life. Royal Society Open Science, 10, 230658. [Full text] [Resources] ISI高被引论文

14.  Lin, Z.#, & Li, N. (2023). Global diversity of authors, editors, and journal ownership across subdisciplines of psychology: Current state and policy implications. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(2), 358–377. [Full text] [Data & code]

15.  Lin, Z.#, & Li, N. (2023). Contextualizing gender disparity in editorship in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(4), 358–377.[Full text] [Data & code]

16.  Lin, Z.#, Ma, Q., Huang, X., Wu, X., & Zhang, Y.# (2023). Pervasive failure to report properties of visual stimuli in experimental research in psychology and neuroscience: Two metascientific studies. PsychologicalBulletin,149(7-8), 487–505. [Full text] [Data & code]

17.  Lin, Z.#, Ma, Q.#, & Zhang, Y.# (2023). PsyCalibrator: An open-source package for display gamma calibration and luminance and color measurement. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6(2), 1–14. [Full text] [Data & code]

18.  Lin, Z., Yang, Z. (co-first author), Feng, C., & Zhang, Y.# (2022). PsyBuilder: An open-source, cross-platform graphical experiment builder for Psychtoolbox with built-in performance optimization.Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 5(1), 1–20.

19.  Barnhart, W.R., Sun, H., Lin, Z., Lu, C., Han, X., & He, J.# (2022). Integrating tripartite influence, minority stress, and social comparison theories to explain body image and disordered eating in Chinese sexual minority men and women. BodyImage, 43, 95–106.

20.  Zhang, F., Lin, Z. (co-first author), Zhang, Y.#, & Zhang, M.# (2021). Behavioral evidence for attention selection as entrained synchronization without awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,150(9), 1710–1721.

21.  He, J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, H., & Lin, Z.# (2021). Orthorexia nervosa is associated with positive body image and life satisfaction in Chinese elderly: Evidence for a positive psychology perspective. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(2), 212–221.

22.  He, J., Zickgraf, H., Ellis, J., Lin, Z.#, & Fan, X. (2021). Chinese version of the Nine-Item ARFID Screen: Psychometric properties and cross-cultural measurement invariance. Assessment, 28(2), 537–550.

23.  Lin, Z., Miao, C. (co-first author), & Zhang, Y.# (2020). Human electrophysiology reveals delayed but enhanced selection in inhibition of return. Cognition, 205, 104462.

24.  He, J., Sun, S.#, Lin, Z.#, & Fan, X. (2020). The association between body appreciation and body mass index among males and females: A meta-analysis. Body Image, 34, 10–26.

25.  He, J., Sun, S.#, Zickgraf, H., Lin, Z.#, & Fan, X. (2020). Meta-analysis of gender differences in body appreciation. Body Image, 33, 90–100. ISI高被引论文

26.  He, J., Sun, S.#, Lin, Z., & Fan, X. (2020). Body dissatisfaction and sexual orientation: A quantitative synthesis of 30 years research findings.ClinicalPsychologyReview, 81, 101896.